Negative Gearing and Rental Property Advice
Negative gearing is when you borrow to acquire an income producing asset, and the interest and other tax-deductible costs you incur exceed the income you receive from the investment. While creating wealth by purchasing an investment property is a well-established practice in Australia, negative gearing can also apply to other types of income-generating investments such as shares and managed funds. The attraction of borrowing, or ‘gearing’, is that you can invest in shares or property that might have otherwise been unaffordable. For individuals, losses can be offset against other assessable income and tax benefits then depend on the marginal tax rate.
The true benefits of negative gearing can only be realised when an ideal loan product funds an investment property in a prime location, together with the correct taxation and financial advice. Premier Taxation Service’s professionals help you conduct detailed analysis to ensure your purchase or planned purchases are within budget and will result in long term taxation and financial benefits.
Lending – Mortgages for Personal and Business
MFAA is a major industry body that ensures the orderly and ethical working of the mortgage and finance industry in Australia by imposes strict guidelines on the behaviour of its members with its stringent Code of Ethics. Over the past years, the dynamics of the mortgage broking industry have evolved dramatically and Premier Transaction Services MFAA-approved brokers and mortgage consultants are more committed than ever to safeguarding the interests of our clients. Through our extensive experience in the industry, we have developed a range of network affiliations to help our clients realise their long term financial goals.
Family Company and Trust Management
The term family trust refers to a discretionary trust set up to hold a family's assets or to conduct a family business. These are generally established for asset protection or tax purposes. Premier Transaction Services assists our clients in developing suitable trusts and foundations to hold their assets, ensuring the protection of their wealth, stability in times of political unrest and/or to protect against political instability.
Our consultants first study your specific needs and circumstances, after which we discuss suggestions to manage your accounting needs. Our recommendations also include methods to benefit from any legal incentives applicable to your case. All of this ensures you are able to streamline your financial affairs. For further details, contact us today.